JPMorgan Chase & Co. World Headquarters
Northeast - Commercial / Mixed Use

JPMorgan Chase & Co. World Headquarters
270 Park Avenue was recently transformed into JPMorgan Chase’s World Headquarters and is the largest renovation project to date to earn a LEED Platinum rating. The 1.4 million square foot renovation was performed while the building remained in operation. In order to minimize disruptions to employees and building systems, Plaza Construction managed over 400 construction workers in phases, while at times working on up to ten floors simultaneously.
Plaza spearheaded the pre-construction and construction efforts, managed the consultants, and prepared budgets, schedules and logistics plans. We administered the bid, award and construction implementation of the project to General Contractors and prime Subcontractors on a phased basis while self-performing critical infrastructure and public space projects.
The scope of the work included the complete replacement of base building infrastructure systems, asbestos abatement, the main building lobby and plaza renovation, facade restoration, offices, banking areas, trading floors, data centers, kitchens, cafeteria, four new green roofs, and asbestos abatement.
We also coordinated the replacement of the main cellar level central plant with the construction of a 500-ton auxiliary chiller plant. Additional mechanical upgrades included; a pressure break system, a new high-pressure steam system, floor by floor air handling units, an outside air system, toilet/kitchen exhaust, smoke purge system and perimeter fan coil with new risers throughout the 52-story tower. The new BMS system is the latest technology and has the ability to control environment from a variety of remote locations as well as maximize energy efficiency.
Electrical upgrades included a new bus duct distribution system to accommodate increased electrical requirements. Electrical switch gear equipment was replaced to accommodate new electrical distribution per design and complete telecommunications wiring systems where installed while building new IDF closets and data centers.
Plaza developed and implemented the site logistics program consisting of a 4-car hoist complex, safety program, project security, project cost control, and quality control/quality assurance. Logistics also required the larger prefabricated infrastructure components being delivered on railroad flatbeds at the cellar level. These deliveries were coordinated with the MTA/Metro North Railroad.
Specific design features that supported the project’s LEED Platinum application included:
• New building systems to improve energy efficiency, including heating and air conditioning equipment; lighting with occupancy sensors and daylight dimming controls; Energy Star kitchen appliances, computers and monitors; and new building insulation and window tint to reduce glare, heat gain and air conditioning load.
• A 54,000-gallon basement grey water tank that collects rain water from drains on the roof and plaza, which is stored and filtered, and then used in landscaping and to flush toilets in the lower part of the building, which saves more than 1 million gallons of water a year. Combined with other plumbing upgrades, the building uses half as much water as pre-renovation.
• Nearly 16,500 square feet of new landscaping, including green roofs, that feature low-maintenance plants to help lower building temperatures in the summer and reduce storm water runoff.
• Reusing over 99 percent of the original building materials during the renovation and recycling more than 85 percent of construction waste, including 990,000 square feet of carpeting. Over 12,000 tons of construction waste was diverted from landfills.
• New floor designs and layout give 85 percent of the employees natural daylight at their desks, with more than 92 percent having exterior views.
• Employee workplace improvements including new layout to give natural daylight and exterior views, as well as 266 bicycle racks to encourage a green commute.
• Plaza Construction continues to provide construction services to JPMorgan Chase throughout its New York Metropolitan campus.
Client | JP Morgan Chase |
Design firm | Skidmore Owing & Merrill and HLW |
Location | New York, NY |
Type | Commercial / Mixed Use |
Size | 1.4 Million SF |
Status | Completed in 2011 |
Leed | LEED Platinum - The Largest LEED-Platinum Renovation Project in the World |